
Showing posts with the label Echo of my MindShow all
Nigeria and its troubles: Dissecting  The Three tribes  in the Power Struggles...
Our Street Sweepers and the Burden of Safety...
The fear of Loss is the beginning  of Loss
Do you Plan to or are you actively working toward Building Your Political Fortune on the Foundation of Flagrant Criticisms?
Beware of the revenge of the provoked that refuses to act immediately
The ignorance of whom you need to fear most...
one man's folly is another man's genius....
Echo of my Mind: We rarely discern others accurately...
I remains committed to. ... the order of highest commandment...
 It is easier to be a saint preacher when standing on podium of grace
you are the society
Echo of my Mind: Your place in history .. Your footprint in sand of time.
Echo of my Mind: Bad News Sell because there are Willing Buyers
Echo of my Mind: In the long run, you can only cheat yourself
Echo of my Mind: Don't keep them in dungeon of fear
Echo of my mind: In love with science
Echo of my mind: Silence is a witch that is hiding in the dark
Echo of my Mind: Of Rule of Law and Sympathy for Elites' Corruption
Echo of My Mind: Looking for Something
Echo of my mind: Take their counsels with a pinch of Salt!