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Echo of my Mind: In the long run, you can only cheat yourself

 The end is always long in coming, but it surely will knock the door and break the goddamn thing down if you don't welcome Karma with smile. 
Two friends were doing business together. One was a brilliant blind singer, the other an able-bodied lazy parasite, who took delight in reaping from the sweat of the hardworking blind man because of the later's physical hindrance . The blind man sang and drew diverse audience who in turn drop some coins in appreciation of his efforts.. The parasite received the cash on his behalf and kept the record. He short-changed his blind friend when it was time to share proceeds, because his friend could not see.

The friend didn't care anyway, even as he suspected he is being cheated. he was contented with what he got and motivated to do even more. He sang for the joy of it and give out much of what he received from his proceeds as donation to those who are needy and incapable of earning among the less privileged., He kept only what is needed. The parasite lived lavishly from his own share, even though he did no work aside sharing and receiving cash from the blind man. Hehad no special skill or talent aside stealing from the blind.

Then they both reached ripe old age. The blind man died smiling in his sleep, in satisfaction of his achievements and the world celebrated him. The lazy parasite died hungry, in shame, unsung because there was no more free cash after his friend's passage and he has built no social relation over the years, because of his poor attitude and greed. That is what happen to ungrateful cheaters; that is what happen when one take advantage of the others. That is what happen when you learn nothing much of your own and rely on others for every need. The end is always long in coming, but it surely will knock the door and break the goddamn thing down if you don't welcome Karma with smile. It is ultimate pay-day! In the long run, you can only cheat yourself!

I am +Isqil Najim 


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