
Showing posts with the label SocietyShow all
The Two Wolves
The craze for Polygamy and unrestrained bigotry
I interviewed a person who hated me
To build Back Wiser-: Pay attention to Engineers and Scientists
The three types of political Thugs in Nigeria
Power and destruction in silence
Criticism and Motivation to do Nothing
Let's Patronize the poor with Smile on our Face
The Rising incidents of money rituals; Before you blame the Movies!
my comment:  Keep your head up!
Echo of my mind: Everybody has solutions to Nigeria's Problems
Suppose this to be Rhodes
Bernie Madoff “The Wizard of Lies” (April 29, 1938 -April 14, 2021)
The Three Dolls
Three (3) things that are overrated and cannot sustainably develop any country (on their own)
Our lies and the making of historical deceits.
God Writes Nigerians
echo of my mind: learn to admit when you don't know
Echo of my mind: with faith, you are too big to fail
Echo of my Mind: The people you need to be scared of