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Echo of My Mind: A marketplace of Confusion

Whenever a pubic official is on trial, a section of society jubilate as if his travails will end their generational curses. Another section of the society lament bitterly as if his freedom will end their problems.

I have come to realize that most these reactions are driven by different emotions. Some by frustration; some by loyalty; and some just want to be seen as intelligent analysts. Each side of the magnifying bias is reinforced by either informational or Normative influences. They are all united in the focal point of distraction from their respective angle.

At end of the day, our analysis do not matter! It is court that matter.

To those making emergency friends because they align on trending controversial subjects, congratulations! and to Those turning their friends to enemies because they disagree, congratulations! Both of you are two sides of a coin used as legal tender in business of confusion.

And to those who keep their calm and watch the national drama from afar even when tempted to pass judgement, amidst individual personal challenges, Congratulations! You silence, whether based on knowledge or lack of knowledge, is a relief in a nation where almost everyone has something to say even when they don't have anything to say.

At the end of the media is the winner! They keep spinning the narratives and dictate the social pulses.

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