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Echo of my Mind: Embrace the unfamiliar, that may be your prayer answered

Everyday, God sends us someone to fulfill our hidden yearning and request. Everyday, we reject someone who we feel do not match our expectations of who want to be with. 

Everyday, we make conscious decisions we feel is right for us while asking God to give it stamp of approval. When we miss, we feel we might have been much better if God has answered a particular request in the way we presented. And when we get and it brings misfortune, we blame others and not ourselves. We asked why God gave us what we know will hurt us.

Understand: God won't announce himself to you nor will he visit you as an entity in flesh. He will answer you through people you probably found unattractive, stranger and possibly below your standard. 

A poor man is a rich man source of wealth, only few understand this wisdom. A rich man is a poor man's source of fulfilment, only those who do not forget their root understand the connection. When both work together and trust the process, wealth multiplies and everyone achieve their fulfilment. The rich gets richer and the poor emerge from poverty. Fairness and justice never produce poverty. Greed and injustice do.

Are you looking for a husband? And then seeking that dream man with all the traits and features you have built in your mind? Perhaps you are a master creator. Even at that, you still have to learn to dig into dirt to extract pure gold. Your dream man may just be that jobless man pressing you for a chance. Many rich men were once a poor men in their generation. Could you have spotted them? In same way it applies to men looking for beautiful women. How will you even know the grace she has in stock, unexplored through her face?

Are you seeking business partner? Oh well, your future partner may actually not be a rich man. He man be an innovator, he may be a man of inner exceptional gifts. How will you know this if you write everyone off for their external appearance and current reality? How will you get the best out of others when you can't trust anyone?

When the world is in dark, it is evolving something and preparing a better tomorrow.

Our friends were once strangers, our spouses were once passersby. Our business partners was once unknown. The folks who had good marriage gambled with heartbreak and gave that stranger a chance. The folk who made millions gambled with bankruptcy and trust their money in hands of people whose heart they can't read.

No matter your aspiration, the key to where you are headed and where you want to be may not be in hands of those you're comfortable with right now.  If you are not already there, then you have to open your eyes wider and give everyone benefits of doubt. 

Your family and friends are pathways through which you will attain your fulfilment. They are not the key. But they can also be the key. And where  they are the key, you will not need to struggle much to find your way. Not everyone is privileged for this. So we all walk our journey until we get there. Until then, everyone is important and be ready to embrace the unfamiliar, the odd ones.  Invest in the poor;  embrace the ugly; dare the dare;  open your mind!

Don't get me wrong. Evil and unfortunate men and women are all over the places. Looking for victims after victims to feast on. There are many poor people who only look out for one chance. There are many rich who seek only to enslave those below them. 

But come to think of it, if the world was made so we do not experience pain, will there even be childbirth? If we shut our eyes against all unfortunate people to pass, how are we going to spot the good ones? If we trust no one who then shall we deal with? 

In life, you just have to take that calculated risk. You just have to come to a stage where you act. Don't worry about disappointment. What does not kill you, will make your stronger if you learn from it.

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