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Isqil Najim: On the wing of rage: one controversy after the other

Under the tenure of last administration, 100 Billion Naira was reportedly shared by State Governors at the height of herdsmen-farmer clashes to solve the problem in their states.

Millions of Nigerians didn't know about this cash or when it was released or what it was used for. There were obviously busy attacking the latest controversy in that time that they missed the 

The recent deadly clashes in Benue which left scores dead and many homeless brought the issue up again. The Reps, who themselves  must have forgotten or probably missed it scramble to institute probes  into the money. Obvious diverted by the governors.

While we are still in talk as regard the solution to the Herdsmen-Farmers clashes and while the dead are still fresh in their  grave; while the pressure is mounting on the president  to act;  Someone decided to steal the airspace and arrest our attention.

Not really that he did anything new. It was the same thing many of us have done in the last two years and a few months: Rant about the system and advising the president not to seek reelection. Everything he has said are not new just as nothing he said was false. But we fell into the trap and mob him on social media.

The next few days was devoted into eating him raw and digging up his past sins and hypocrisies.  On the other side of the indulgence will be those who dedicated their time into defending him and using his words as their bible in their profession of activism.

It bemused me that Nigerians have masters the art of losing focus.

And this bring me back to the first paragraph  of this piece. There is nothing to suggest that the president under Jonathan gave out the money secretly. I suspect that while they are doing so, we were probably preoccupied  with hot national gossips or political discourse that such decision by the government  went unnoticed. And even as at now, the issue of Herdsmen-Farmers clashes remained unsolved while no one pay attention to the probe instituted to unravel how 100 billion grew wing and disappeared. Report says that the resolution to probe the fund disappearance was first made on January 20, 2017, following a motion moved by a member from Kogi State, Mr. Sunday Karimi. The issues however came up again in 2018, following repeated clashes. Up till this moment, nothing much is heard of it. And nothing perhaps will be heard. Nigerians have forgotten and moved on and will wait till another crisis before recalling it.

Because we are a people that gyrating from one controversial national topic to another without following through to resolution, we did not take into consideration the need to pause and assess how the crisis are tackled until a major crisis or controversy erupt and reminds us of the old festering wound.

Two weeks ago, Nigerians descended on each other to compete on who deserves the appellation of "shithole" title being awarded by and foreign leader. While many "true blooded shitholers" supported the tag in the spirit of  harmony  with their eternal vocation of never seeing any good in their country (as long as they don't like the person occupying the seat of power), others are busy repudiating the abomination and of course, they found sympathy home and abroad among true friends of Africa.

Before you know what is up, the Herdsmen crisis which actually have been on for years came to national prominent and everyone yearn for solution. The volume of thesis and condemnation and justifications written by both the protagonists and antagonists of the ruling elite can fill a library. The government  eventually  did the predictable act of setting up a committee. And Nigerians move to another topic. Now it is the Third Force.... the pendulum of confusion is still swinging.

Anyone remember the infamous government of committee by committee for committee? Ebele was flogged right left and center for his penchant for constituting committee after committee to perform function that require prompt action of the security operative or decision of the President. But this is a new era. The era of integrity. Baba can do no wrong.

For now, let's enjoy the distraction created by Dr Obasanjo's letter, the third force, Big Brother Naija and watch out for the next drama.. Meanwhile, the killer herdsmen are still on the prowl. And then probe of the 100 billion grant by House of committee remains in the dark room of conception and emotional rage.

I am @isqilnajim

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