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…As the Avian Kingdom awaits miracle of the sweepers.

The Hawk and the Eagle promised rich harvest, but you shall till the land with your hands...

The vulture king has run his course and now returning to his village after earning massive heroic applause for losing gallantly to the hawk and a conspiracy of bat and company. He would be celebrated for his gigabytes of promises and his terabytes of disappointments..

The kingdom awaits patiently the crowning of the Hawk and his Eagle deputy as the next king and miracle workers of avian kingdom. As they jubilate, the murmuring of the anticipated miracle worker have started renting the air.. the hawk have been shouting in muted silence that he is no miracle worker.

Terrified by fear of meeting empty treasury, and mounting unpaid workers' salaries, sweepers have been preaching a new gospel: “Cut your cake according to your knife" But the kingdom citizens have been ingenious listeners... The gospel of the sweepers enters through their right ear, and quickly disappears through the left ear. Any speech that doesn’t spell MIRACLE is an unwanted speech.

Come May 29, in the year of the wizards, jungle would become paradise, the blind shall see, the lame shall run and compete with Usain Bolt. Looters shall return all the stolen money. Salaries shall be paid even when states remain lazy and people continue to be stingy with creative endeavours..

If this gospel from kalamakato seems too good to be true, then it is time to start listening to the sweepers. They promised no miracle. . They promised rain will come but broom shall sweep the flooded rooms. The promised leaking umbrella would no longer be your shelter, you shall stay under your roof (hut or mansion) comes rain, comes sunshine.. and you shall build the shelter with your labour and patience. .

The Hawk and the Eagle promised rich harvest, but you shall till the land with your hands...

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