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The Power of Love and Influence of Positive People

"Look within! Tie an anchor around your courage, faith, integrity and humanity and never let go…use them to find your true power; power to validate from inside out rather than to seek the validation of others. Power to make a difference in whatever way you choose."
Avil Beckford once asked my "Invisible Mentor," Irene Becker about the most important discovery she'd made... she replied:

"I think that I have discovered that the power of everything is the power of love. Everything comes from that, it’s the foundation for everything – love directed at service, love directed at letting go of one’s need for validation and transforming it into contribution. Love means letting go of judgment, love means accepting one’s strengths and deficits, love means embracing the gift of life, love means becoming a consistent learner, love means also developing the ability to lead in the face of crisis. Even from a marketing perspective, if you are in a business, you really have to reach out and give love to your clients so I think love is the foundation for everything."

Over the years, I have equally stumbled upon the unique power of love and selfless services which transcend all boundaries and I have been blessed by practical application. Even though I did come in conflict with many who do not see life that way. I have found, that happiness is a choice within you and the words of Irene Becker was true, and time tested. I have found that whether things are going well or tough, it is our state of minds that determine how we feel. Our attitude and perception more often empower mind to accept that everything that is outside of us must define us. Life is simple, humans make it complicated. Your happiness and legacy are not tied to anyone but your attitude to life.

Today, it is great to be proud that we share the same date. She had made tremendous impact on my even from afar, like many I cant mention (far and near). With many practical words. if you want to live longer in happiness regardless of your environment, surround yourself with positive people ( and I thankfully have many of them) who can look at your smile and frown with love.

happy Birthday Irene Becker... My special gratitude to you, a friend, a mother and a mentor. Happy birthday Funsho Farinde It is so hard not to mention you though you rarely come online. A thoughtful personality and intellectual stimulator. And to Oluseun David Onigbinde you need no introduction. Always proud of you. And my special friend Shamsuddeen.. words cannot describe what I have for you.
Happy birthday Bolujoko Adebowale Dipo Abdullahi Tsoho Daura Bennie Jamin Asiegbu
And to everyone, thank you for your words, prayers and encouragements...

I will echo the words and advice of Irene Becker once again:
"Look within! Tie an anchor around your courage, faith, integrity and humanity and never let go…use them to find your true power; power to validate from inside out rather than to seek the validation of others. Power to make a difference in whatever way you choose."

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