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The Trap Called Generalization

There are good and bad people everywhere. That is not the problem. The problem is when you begin to rationalize and judge everyone in the same light as you conjured up in your mind, whatever your experience... Isqil Najim 

A lying tradesman will tell you that no man thrive and be honest in these days of keen competition. How can such man know this, seeing that he has never tried honesty? Or when he has only been practicing selective  honesty? Moreover, such a man has no knowledge of honesty, and his statement is, therefore, a statement of ignorance. And we know that ignorance and falsehood can so blind a man that he foolishly imagine everyone as ignorant and false as himself. It is no surprising that such men eventually end in ruin.

The man, who confidently conjures up a general sentiment about all the people, locations or events he has limited knowledge of, Or even worse, he has no direct knowledge, aside his picks from the flying hearsay, rumours, "sources" and his restricted personal experiences, is surely saying so much about himself and his state of mind, than about all the people, events, locations he professes to be expert at dissecting.

Yes, we all fall into this trap once a while, even if it is fleeting moment. That is not what decide us. What decide us is clinging to the trap we set for others, while imagining this is only way to catch the suckers and display our superiority over them. And, thinking that we can fool all the people all the time...To such people who refuse to alter their minds in the light of reality, it will sooner be cry for help as against a cry to be heard.

Surrender to reality. There are good and bad people everywhere. That is not the problem. The problem is when you begin to rationalize and judge everyone in the same light as you conjured up in your mind, whatever your experience.

When I was younger, long before I saw a real coconut, I had strong impression that every fruit that is rough is bad and possibly unsafe for consumption. Everything that is hard is a stone. Until I touch a coconut and watched one of the mamas broke it to expose it's content. And most importantly, until I had q taste of it. My long term conjured impression vanishes in that moment of reality. It was a life changing experience I continue to apply to this day.

I cherishes the recollection of the words of my sister from another mother, (now a doctor) Tolulope, "it is not wrong to be wrong, it is only wrong when the wrong is proven to be wrong and you stubbornly persists in it, (whatever your reason).

Reflectively yours

Isqil Najim

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