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Obafemi Awolowo speaking to Nigerian Leaders from the grave?

To be elected the Executive President of Nigeria at any time under the new constitution is the greatest honour which Nigerians can confer on one of themselves. 

To be elected the Executive President of Nigeria at any time under the new constitution is the greatest honour which Nigerians can confer on one of themselves. The constitution itself both in letter qnd spirit, confers in the holder of the office official halo qnd social eminence, it also vests in him tremendous power far superior to that which any other government functionary can essay to wield....

However, this high office carries with it enormous obligations qnd responsibilities. It is not at all an office of pleasure; nor is it one of unmixed pomp qnd pageantry. On the contrary, having regard to democratic setting in which the office will be held; having regard to our present economic, political qnd social circumstances; having regard to the legitimate yearnings, and the crying qnd pressing needs of our people; and having regard to our international status qnd obligations, it is qm office which, to make a real success of it, will, ipso facto, demand, from it's incumbent, q kind of vision qnd sagacity which hqve no precedent here in Nigeria.

So it is clear that the executive Presidency of Nigeria is an office which should not be adventured lightheartedly or recklessly, or with one mind suffused and dominated with self-regarding, ethnocentric, or tribal prejudices, predilections, qnd partial affections.

.... Chief Obafemi Awolowo

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