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Seek Forgivemess from the right quarter

Your faith in God, The reality of His grace and assurance of his forgiveness for all your wrongdoings do not confer on you the freedom to hurt others; especially those below you in status. Whatever your religion or lack of it... Isqil Najim

Your faith in God, The reality of His grace and assurance of his forgiveness for all your wrongdoings do not confer on you the freedom to hurt others; especially those below you in status. Whatever your religion or lack of it.

Many times, our pride, inflated by our lofty position in the society/organization/family give us a kind of superiority complex that blindfolded us when dealing with people below us. We consider it a right to demand respect from them while very handful of us reciprocate this respect. We completely forgot that the they are humans like us with emotion, family, self-esteem, needs, ambitions, and self-worth. So we trample on them, hurt them and push them into taking difficult decisions that diminish their self-worth. And to extreme, push them into near suicide.

When we discover our mistake, we walk with our pride and stand before God, seeking forgiveness. Buoyed by our conviction that God is forgiving or someone died for our sins, we presented ourselves before the altar, with our songs and prayers. Meanwhile, the person we hurt is still alive and paying dearly for the humiliation and suffering  we inflicted on him.

Unless God is unjust or a supporter of injustice, your forgiveness will never be accepted even if you empower one million destitutes everyday and donate millions to all worship centers globally. ! Go right to the one you offended (if alive) and sincerely apologise. It is the cheapest and surest route to forgiveness. You can return to God thereafter to seek cure for the evil inside  you that made you visit fellow humans with suffering and humiliation against their wills.

You may not afford to be nice to all, but you can at least, learn to be fair to them and respect them as humans breathing the same air as you.

The pencil and eraser. One scribbles on the paper, the other clean errors made on paper. When you make mistake on exam paper, and you know it, you don't go to worship centers all over the world and pray that your mistakes are corrected. You don't go donate money to orphanages. Instead, you pick up the eraser, clean up your mistakes and make amend while you still have time. Otherwise, you will record failure with capital F however good your intention in the eyes of your professor....

....The Wizard of Kalamakato

#wizardofkalamakato #echoofmymind

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