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A cursing Generation and their (mis)fortune

Things are bad and they are unpleasant. Our body is wary of so much toils and struggles.. Our hearts is heavy from so varying emotion. But never be so stupid and myopic, as to curse the land upon which you walk, while expecting it to bless you

The Hindu put it this way, that the environment blesses you when you bless the environment; the environment punishes you when you curse the environment.

Isn't it weird that most of us have been cursing the environment and expecting to be blessed? Most Nigerians especially curse their country so often that they forgot they are also part of the country.

If you want this environment to bless you, it is time to embark mental revolution. It is time for you to recognise the power of self fulfilling prophecy and that your mind is more powerful than you think.

Is it a coincidence that as the level and pitch of negativity rise in the land, corruption, poverty, uncaring leaders, intolerance,  and all sort conflicts continue to germinate on this blessed land despite all of our abundant human and material endowment?

You can continue to blame your leaders but always remember, when you are sincerely ready for good leaders, it will have to start from you.

Blessing your environment does not mean tagging along with all manner of insane and direction-less leaders in the name of patriotism. It does not mean seeing mass poverty in the land and calling it opportunities while you do nothing tangible to halt its growth. It does not mean excusing every failure of your leaders and looking for someone else to wear the garment of shame. It does not mean voting and supporting your kinsman regardless of his leadership (in)capability and then expecting "Miracle of Istanbul" when failure confronts you all.

Imagine you have a madman as landlord and he frequently paint the house with gasoline while everyone of you sleep and wake up in it everyday as he smokes his marijuana like no man business. Your cursing the house will change nothing aside encouraging the mad landlord to show you who is really in charge. Your cursing the landlord will only inflame his passion or worse still, earn you severe beating if not lacerated skins. Leaving the house and moving to the house next door while you leave your children behind  isn't the solution either. If the house catch fire, the house next door will be in danger as well as the family you left behind in your abandoned house.

How about trying to gather enough tenants to buy the house and convince the madman to enter a rehab? How about employing all legitimate means to evict him and send him to where he truly belongs----lunatic Asylum!?

This is the same situation with our unpopular leaders. Instead of investing in destructive criticism, cursing the land, fighting one another or sabotaging your own country (in words or deeds), you can begin to look at the country as yours and work toward positive change along with like minded groups and individuals... At least for the sake of your future generation.

There are three categories of cursing generation: the first are those who curse out of frustration. The second are those who curse because they want to frustrate the ruling group out of power so that they or their people or affiliated party can take over. The last are those who curse without knowing why they do so.

Whichever category you belongs, there is no guarantee that your curse won't come to pass when emotion are involved. There is no guarantee that the misfortunes induced by your curse will not affect you or your children, one way or the other. Words, spoken and unspoken, are powerful when you lay enough foundation for their fulfilment through your heart.

So the next time you are tempted to open your mouth wide and curse the land of your birth and the land of your future children, bear in mind that if you don't reap from the seed you are planting, your children are waiting to have their fill, with prayer or curse (according to the taste of the fruit your seeds bring forth) generously dispatched to you while you are resting below the earth.

Things are bad and they are unpleasant. Our body is wary of so much toils and struggles.. Our hearts is heavy from so varying emotion. But never be so stupid and myopic, as to curse the land upon which you walk, while expecting it to bless you....

You cannot plant coco-yam and reap apple. Something positive can still emerge from this Babylon. But we must work toward it!

Isqil Najim


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