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The professionals have equal obligation to contribute to national development through their respective vocation as the government. Their technical expertise and vast experiences cannot be ignored by any serious policy makers. In your heads, lie the solutions to the varying problems ravaging the nation. Come, let us put head together and chart a way out of our energy crisis. To serious professionals in energy sector, investors, policy makers and general public:  between 17th and 19th of October 2012, Enugu is the place to be!

The Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (NimechE), a division of Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), announces its International conference ad Annual General meetings coming up in Enugu, Nigeria between 17th and 19th October 2012. This event will also mark the Silver jubilee anniversary of the institution.

The theme of this year conference is “APPROPRIATE ENERGY MIX FOR SUSTAINABLE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT”. This choice of this year theme is in response to the many challenges facing the country and especially the energy sector which has been having far reaching effect on the national economic as some industrial concerns and small and medium enterprises groan silently under the yoke of crippling and inadequate energy infrastructure, which often lead to high cost of production. Small and medium enterprises and some industrial concerns have had one disappointing story or the other over our energy challenges.

NimechE is determined to contribute into finding solution to the sector and is therefore calling on all professionals, technocrats, technologists and policy makers to participate. The event is Tagged “Coal City 2012…”

Nigeria, the most populous nation in Africa is aspiring to become one of the top 20 economies in the world by year 2020. This aspiration is anchored upon many parameters affecting the nations. In energy sector, the challenges are more profound as the government and policy makers recognize the important of energy in industrial and technological development of the country. This in turn, will naturally have far reaching effect on the nation’s economy. The task ahead calls for the participation of every stakeholder in both private and public sector.

In achieving this goal, the national policy makers yearn earnestly to explore all available opportunities toward meeting the target goals of providing sustainable energy for the use of both individuals and industrial concerns.  It is upon this basis that NimechE is inviting the general public, investors, professionals and stakeholders to come forward and participate in this year International conference in Enugu. The conference aims at bringing everyone together to brainstorm, explore new opportunities and provides the way forward while also providing opportunities for them to network.

Intending contributors from academic institutions (both polytechnics and universities) are invited to submit technical papers for the event.

The sub-themes of the conference are as follow
1.       Power Plant generation maintenance, safety and reliability issues
2.       Bio-energy
3.       Renewable energy sources
4.       Energy investment and entrepreneurship
5.       Energy planning, policy optimality and security issues
6.       Energy issues in manufacturing industries
7.       Energy and social issues

Intending author(s) is/are required to submit paper(s) to meet the following deadline
15 July 2012                                        submission of full papers
15 August 2012`                                submission of provisional acceptance
30 August 2012                                  submission of final corrected papers
30 September 2012                         publication of abstract and proceeding

1.       Language- English
2.       Length – 8 t0 12 pages
3.       Manuscript should be typed in 12 points, Times New Roman font on A4 paper leaving an inch margin on each side and at the top of all but the first page. The title and author information is to be centered across the first page and then a two column format is to be followed for the balance of the paper.
4.       Manuscript should be 1.5 lines spaced, with 2. 0 lie between paragraph indentations.
5.       The paper should include
a.       Title (10 words maximum)
b.      Author(s) name(s) and present address(es)
c.       Abstract (maximum 300 o words)
d.      A maximum of six key words
e.      A clearly written introduction to explain the nature of the problems, previous works, purpose and contribution of the paper
f.        An appropriate conclusion section must be included
6.       Diagram and photograph must be of high quality. Diagram and lettering must be either computer designed or digital. Photograph for diagram is acceptable but photocopies are not.
7.       References should be quoted in text with a number in sequence bracket. For example [1] and should be numbered according to the order cited in the manuscript.

Author(s) are requested to prepare multimedia projection format in MS-PowerPoint for all accepted papers for 10 minutes duration Maximum. A soft copy should be sent through email attachment using MS word office 2007 while final presentation should be in PDF format (preferably).

For those who are attending and not delivering papers, below is the registration fee details:

Registration                       on or before 30/08/2012                                               after 30/08/2012
Fellows                                                20, 000                                                  25, 000
Members,                                           15, 000                                                                  20, 000
Associates                                          10, 000                                                                  15, 000
Graduates,                                         5, 000,                                                                   5, 000
Students,                                            2, 000,                                                                   2, 000
Spouses                                               5, 000                                                                    5, 000
Non-member                                    20, 000,                                                                 25, 000

The professionals have equal obligation to contribute to national development through their respective vocation as the government. Their technical expertise and vast experiences cannot be ignored by any serious policy makers. In your heads, lie the solutions to the varying problems ravaging the nation. Come, let us put head together and chart a way out of our energy crisis. To serious professionals in energy sector, investors, policy makers and general public:  between 17th and 19th of October 2012, Enugu is the place to be!

For further enquiry contact +2348037260134, +2348033291642, +2348022059818 ………….. Or email [email protected], [email protected]

Looking forward to host you.
Isqil Najim

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