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Hard times may threat ones faith but if treated with iron determination, maturity one can tread though roughly but softly to eternal place of rest where the bread is ready to satisfy the yearning souls

Every great spark takes it source from the dark. The beauty of light can only be projected in realm of darkness. Light cannot delight without darkness just as seed cannot germinate without soil. Destiny can't be fulfilled without trials, suffering, tests and difficulties. The deeper the darkness, the shiner the light becomes brightly. Hard times may threat ones faith but if treated with iron determination, maturity one can tread though roughly but softly to eternal place of rest where the bread is ready to satisfy the yearning souls

We do not need to sit down blaming darkness it is an essential ingredient needed for man to fulfill is destiny. We just need to switch on the light of faith, hope and love. Before a child is born the mother passed through 9months of darkness and the day of delivery is full of sorrow and pains, such state of darkness bring to light a production of destiny.

Before the enthronement of peace, war must have been fought and gallantly won. Before Joshua fought physical battle there was a spiritual Moses mighty in word and deeds. Before Elisha received wonderful revelation there was Elijah a man of prophecy. Before Solomon enjoyed peace on every side David his father had been a man of war. Before the glory of Joseph, there were stories of trails, persecution, false accusation and imprisonment. Before Daniel became a problem solver in Babylon there was darkness of self sacrifice and consecration.

The Bread of achievement is not automatic like legendary manna in the wilderness but systematic personal development; you must have the requirement before you can acquire your desire. To become you must first belong. To access your blessing there is need to take pleasure in searching of hidden treasure. Before one can pass over to the other side of victory and dominion there is raging storm not just to disturb but programmed to stop if allow, at such a time you need to take both step to oppose every work darkness. You have the right to stop whatever that wants to stop you. The light shineth in darkness and darkness can't comprehend it.

It is horrible to tremble in the hour of darkness. Defeat and destruction ensue when fear is allowed. In the hour of darkness, over confidence, prayerlessness will prolong the battle.
What to do to shorten the night and lengthen your joy?
When you don't have what to praise God for in the hour of Darkness, do not be gloomy, Praise God.

Be bold and courageous let what you pass through harden and steel you with iron determination to fortify you to smash the chains of darkness.

Give attendance to prayer and reading of the word of God. The Ultimate thing doing the hour of darkness is to develop peculiar intimacy with God.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trials which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you 1Pet. 4:12. Also in Quran, Do you think that you shall say we believe and we will not put you to test?

Trials are unfavorable and unpalatable but don't let it strangulate your worth but to regulate your light to have uncommon dominion. It takes bitter sweet experience to learn in life for one to be transformed to become the transformer there is need to pass through some trials and test when fully trained trials turn to triumph, test to testimony. Till one is fully trained can't truly reign. Until gallantly win in the battle of life can't rule militantly. Darkness may not be glamorous but vital to develop us into complete personality heaven can dependably trust. Be focused, be determined. Bravery possessed will make you to crave for the best. IT IS BETTER TO WANT WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE THAN TO HAVE WHAT YOU DON'T WANT.

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