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Multichoice, a Misplaced priority!

"A Competition and Consumer Protection (CCP) tribunal sitting in Abuja has restrained MultiChoice Nigeria Limited from increasing its tariffs and cost of products and services." The news read.

In another news, law makers are on the multichoice neck to ensure it does not increase tariff 

My comments:

1. Why are, CPC, law makers and Nigerians not focusing on the NTA which is supposed to be the largest TV in Africa and develop it to compete with multichoice? Is it okay for NTA to be producing headache while we chase those curing the headache?

2. What happened to Startimes where NTA supposedly has a stake? Shouldn't we be focusing on what our money was used for and demand more from them, instead of directing private business owners on how to run their business?

3. A Nigerian company, TSTV waa launched sometimes ago, what happened to it? Shouldn't the law makers have investigated their performances, invited them to a hearing and use the lesson derived from it to legislate on issues that will help local companies in similar situation thrive?

4. The best way to break a monopoly is to make it easy for new entrants, and smaller stakeholders to succeed in the market. Chasing the bigger players around and forcing them to lower price/tariff whatever, is counterproductive. What about the staff in those companies? How does this help the smaller companies? 

We need to find a way to do something well instead of chasing problems around and complicate business for others. If running a TV station is so simple as dictating tariff, NTA and Startimes will be a money spinner by now.

The tariff increases is not the problem, the problem is the environment that necessitates the increases. Focus on root causes, and everyone will benefit!

by isqil najim

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