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Agbor women: the symbol of African strength

As my eyes finally decided to halt their ravenous consumption of Dan senor/Saul Singer's " Startup Nation- The story of Israel's Economic miracle" which had occupied me for the most part of the journey; I took a glance at the approaching town, heralded by beautiful sight of greenery and typical African landscape, the first thing that caught my attention was the sight of this beautiful woman in a simple African attires  pushing a motorcycle. She was in wrapper and top. My first instinct was that she was just fooling around with it while the owner probably lurks around and I  took no further notice of what happened. Our bus glided it's way across the road as I look out for more interesting beauty of nature and people.

Not long after, I noticed a motorbike zooms pass us, with a man as the passenger and "gosh... a woman driving?  No.! Is the man that selfish or lazy not to help her woman?"  I thought to myself. "But wait.. a woman?"  Yes I have seen women riding motorcycle before but this is different. Before I asked my friend to take a look, I saw another... this time it was four people on the bike. A man two kids and a woman rider! Now, something is not adding up. 

The following morning, I decided to take a walk down the road .. this time I was even more confounded. Young and old women riding motorcycle. Some rode alone and some with other occupants. Of course male adults as well. The women ride their machines expertly and without fuse; without aid. Surely, there must be something unique about this town and it's people. And especially these women. Were they warriors.? I have heard of a tribe in Kenya where women used to be warriors were playing active roles in men's world. But this is different. These women carry themselves in dignity and nothing really betray their womanhood. They have the same normal life as every woman but they are independent, strong and focused.

I found that many of these women actually own the motorbike. The women pride themselves  in the acquisition and use of the bikes. A significant percentage of the women use motorcycles as means of transportation in the community. I will not be surprised if this town has more women riding motorcycles than men. Judging from the little observations I made, these women are pride of African women. Independent.  Hardworking and perhaps adventurous. Yet kind. At least, those I met had courtesy and are nice.

Many of them have fair knowledge of the maintenance  of the motorbikes. It then occurred to me that the the first one I saw pulling her machine was not fooling around with it after all. Also, this is first time I am seeing more women than usual using motorcycle as means of transportation. Perhaps it was due to the nature of their occupation where they had to travel far between home and farm. Perhaps there are other reasons.

I observed that everything is very normal and these women drive their machine just like anyone else I have seen. They wear their local attires and feel no need in dressing like men to do this.  There is nothing special about a woman riding motorcycle, but in Agbor, I get a feeling there is something extra. Something that have root in the pride of African woman to stand up herself and hold her head on her shoulder.

Welcome to Agbor,  a town in Ika local government area of Delta State.  A town that hold the Guinness world record for the youngest monarch who is now 33 and and had grown to become a wise leader.

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  1. I am proud of them. My female cousin rides bike well and she resides in Agbor. It's always a fun sight to behold

