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Echo of my mind: It is easy to look at the world from the prism of fear…

When you walk on the land therefore, arm yourself with wisdom and give everyone benefit of doubt, even the lying sinners may yet drink from the pool of repentance and surprise us if inspired to embrace change.

It is easy to look at the world and the people from the prism of fear, suspicion and insecurity, especially if there is a fog of ignorance disguising as storm ahead of us. So many times, our estimate of others have often been based on our past encounters within our realm rather the fair assessment of the new person.

The fact that someone was unkempt and smudged in grease and your subsequent encounter with him revealed him as stark illiterate does not mean every unkempt, dirty passerby is below you in reasoning and education. You have not met a really gifted professor who cares less about dressing, and you have not factor some engineers into your portal of experiences.

The fact that the last person who asked you for assistant turned out to be a fraudster should not confer on you the absolute generalization that every needy person is a potential crook or professional beggar. You have not met really ambitious people who, bereaved of hope and internal support that would have left them in the mine of despair and excruciating poverty, looked outward, and found a willing helper who brought out a giant tree out of their hidden seeds. Had the story of Alexander Fleming reaches your ears?  Or the many chance encounters narrated by the great ones, where one stranger have opened their mind and body to many possibilities that made them great.

Or is it that physically challenged lady, whose condition necessitated a bit of outward awkwardness you could not understand?  Think about Thomas Edison or just take an introspective look at the history of your telephone line.

So many times, we wear the mask of insecurity in a bid to avoid history repeating itself. We feel that we have learned enough lessons and now ready to be master in the game, by taking so many precautions which includes screening off suspicious elements to avoid pain. Yet, again and again, the people who really hurt us most and surprise us with dagger are from among those we trusted and given power over us.

Our strategy of avoiding evil (through suspicion and maltreatment of strangers) have brought more evil and inducted more good people into evil acts than we could ever imagine. So many miseries of the world are avoidable if only we but know.

When you walk on the land therefore, arm yourself with wisdom and give everyone benefit of doubt, even the lying sinners may yet drink from the pool of repentance and surprise us if inspired to embrace change. it is easy to look at people and the world from the prism of fear and false security because we have acculturation of self belief that no one can fool us again, there we do go all out, fully armed by doubts, fear, and negative expectations from suspected angles. Many times, it becomes self fulfilling prophecy, and many times, we are forced to learn and relearn that there is always someone out their ahead in the game of deceit.

What is not easy, however, is looking at unfriendly and unpleasant situation, people or bitter pills of life and then transform it into what everyone rushed to embrace. Only a few can do that. Are you one of them?

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