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You Will never Miss the Water till the Well runs dry

Happiness does not come from getting what you want. It comes from appreciating what you have.

You will never miss the water, till the well runs dry. Wrote an author. You can be blessed and not know it. Only as you look back do you realise that what you have is much more important than things you don't have. Many people would be saying, "I will be happy when..." Nay!.. Happiness does not come from getting what you want. It comes from appreciating what you have.

So many people complain about what they don't have but never given thought to what they will give away from what they currently have, to get what they desperately yearn for. Is it job, wealth, wife, children, husband,or happiness itself? You have got to look at yourself and check if you are ready for what you seek. Tales abound of people who secured what they sought but spiced it with discontent and arrogance. Among them are those who ended in regret and among them are those who seek foe more unceasingly without ever getting happiness out of what they receive.

You are a soul with power to build and to destroy. Once in a while, when you have the calmness and sense to reason, take time to ask yourself.. Supposing everything you have today is taken away from you today, what will you think is your most valuable treasure left? The answer will guide you to the stream of thought where happiness and contentment await...

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