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.And FeBuhari 14 becomes March 28 in Avian Kingdom

The King silence explanation has been so loud that even the man in vacuum can hear his echo.. "I have CHANGED the election date, what next do you want? Shall I also CHANGE the handover date?

And so it was crafted that there wouldn't be elections on FeBuhari 14... the camp of Vulture fear the day too sacred and too ominous that they shifted the Poll in Avian kingdom to March.. 

The Camp of Parrot, has continued to shout and sing CHANGE.. 

The King silence explanation has been so loud that even the man in vacuum can hear his echo..

 "I have CHANGED the election date, what next do you want? Shall I also CHANGE the handover date?

The parrots, so much engulfed by their own song of CHANGE could not see the Vulture body language. 

The jungle has been beehives of activities as every member of the kingdom continue to anticipate...will they vote back the Vulture or will the parrot found his way to the Rock?

I will need to return to kalamakato for further consultation... 

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