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The Politicians are not Enemies, why should you make enemies out of your friends?

I am a card carrying member of PDP because that is the party on which platform I became the president of this country. My first pre-occupation is what is best for Nigeria, Nigeria first, party second and any other thing third. Nigeria first means I will sacrifice anything for the interest of Nigeria and I can  sacrifice my own life for the interest of Nigeria. I can’t sacrifice my life for the interest of a party, I’ll sacrifice my life for the interest of Nigeria. 

Do you still think you are wiser and more patriotic than these men you are fighting for and arguing on behalf of them to a point of turning yourself into an object of mockery??? Whether in PDP, APC, APGA, LP or even Fresh party.. if you have been hating your (real)  friends and cutting off ties because they hold different political opinions, no matter your education and position, you are on coke!

Here is OBJ, the ex president who has never hidden his disdain for President Jonathan and want him out of office comes FeBuhari 14. Their different political view does not stop him from traveling all the way from Otta to Abuja to attend his niece wedding.
And if you think you are doing it because you are a member of that political party and protecting that party interest, hear him before you go berserk "Let me make my own position clear, I am a card carrying member of PDP because that is the party on which platform I became the president of this country. My first pre-occupation is what is best for Nigeria, Nigeria first, party second and any other thing third. Nigeria first means I will sacrifice anything for the interest of Nigeria and I can  sacrifice my own life for the interest of Nigeria. I can’t sacrifice my life for the interest of a party, I’ll sacrifice my life for the interest of Nigeria.  If what you’re trying to do is in the best interest of Nigeria and Nigerians accept and vote for you, who I am not to accept you as President of Nigeria, I will. It is your duty to campaign, inform, woo and to convince the electorate but whatever may be the outcome of the election after you have done all that, once the election is free and fair, undisturbed and uninterrupted, then you have to accept the verdict of the people.Then what do you do in such circumstances, if you are in government and you are doing what is right and you are given good governance, you can do a lot of things but you don’t have to necessarily be in government to serve your people.”

Here you are, fighting friends you have cultivated bond with over the years, and of course, some taking to violence to show their support for the candidates. Some are even blocking friends they have had best of time with before politics and spreading false allegations behind them in a bid to be right in their stupidity... Meanwhile the politicians are are not seeing it this way.No matter who emerges as the winner, they will always go back eventually to dine and wine together. As for you who is planning to burn campaign bus and possibly burn your place of employment.... the joke is on you!

Vote NOT Fight! No politician is worth a hair on your body! The Politicians are not eternal enemies, why should you make enemies out of your friends over politics?


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