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There are real friends..

Listen more to to people who find fault in you and engage with them than people who praise you all the time and see nothing wrong even when it is obvious you are wrong.

Some will say there are no true or real friends, and wonder whether the world has gone missing. they cast blame of everything and declare: trust no one!  There are real friends and true ones who are even better than one's family members... when people talk about I think the trouble lie in the parameter(s) people use in selecting their friends. If you constantly have betrayers and blood suckers around you, it is time to get a very big mirror and look yourself in face. It is time to look at the criteria you use in deciding who your friends are.

Always remember that the emphasis is on quality and not quantity. I know a lot of people who are so desperate in making friends that they count their social success by the number of people around them. As long as those people are yes, men/women who give stamp of approval to their every action, they care less about the reality. Yet, among these group are those who are very very insensitive to criticism. they define what constitute constructive criticism and also spend their lives bothering about what people say of them. once someone say something bad, they will mark out that person as enemy and someone to avoid.

Listen more to to people who find fault in you and engage them than people who praise you all the time and see nothing wrong even when it is obvious you are wrong.

Bottom-line is that there are real friends. One should look at where he picked his friends and the criteria he used before concluding that all friends are potential betrayers and that no one in the world can be trusted gain. One may unwittingly imprison oneself in a self-defeating belief.

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