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We Do Not Worry About Your Untiring Lips And your Venom

We do not worry about your untiring lips and adorning spiteful tongue; we worry about your personal safety as you swallow the venom you prepared for others. We know with certainty that sooner or later your blood will protest; your bile will increase and your heart will testify to the potency of your own poison... Gladly shall we offer antidote, should you cease to stop spewing poison at others and ask for help.

We don't have to worry about what people say but we must listen to what they say. Because, even in their spiteful tongues, they may have seen something rightly or wrongly to make them arrived at their conclusion.

Our goal should be to spot what they saw and evaluate ourselves to become better than we are. We do not need to shut them up or make them talk of us positively. This is their prerogative. What we need is to grow and become better even when they are clearly in the wrong.

The spiteful people will always see something bad about those they want to spite and pull down consciously or unconsciously.  The search for flaws in other people is always successful, especially when they search with eyes of prejudice, hate, disdain, envy, greed etc.

You cannot afford to lose your peace of mind over them and what they say. If they are becoming dangerous, change your location and fraternize less with them. Let them use their mouth to say whatever they like. Be not troubled about their tongues, but choose instead to focus on your positive goals. The more you ignore their spite, the angrier they become and the more they are emotionally tormented inside of themselves. Your cheerfulness and boldness is their sadness because they made it their businesses to look for your downfall and to broadcast your flaws.

Be bold; be strong inside; dismiss every negative thing people fabricated about you, but don't ever shut your eyes or block your ears against them. Look... listens... Shut up!

Then make yourself a better person. It doesn't matter whether they see the better YOU or the beast in YOU. There are millions out there who see the real positive YOU and quietly acknowledge it. That is far better than a few spiteful monsters whose goal is to make you look, act and think like them.

And to the spiteful ones; we put no stumbling block in your path, so that you shall walk freely, unobstructed toward the destination of your choice. Should you choose to kick us while we pave your road for you, we shall be very generous in providing the balm to ease the pain in your foot and the bitterness in your soul.

We do not worry about your untiring lips and adorning spiteful tongue; we worry about your personal safety as you swallow the venom you prepared for others. We know with certainty that sooner or later your blood will protest; your bile will increase and your heart will testify to the potency of your own poison... Gladly shall we offer antidote, should you cease to stop spewing poison at others and ask for help.

We are strong in the heart and body; and our spirit testifies to this in the accompanying peace of mind. Our shield against your venomous tongue is our truth, our consistency, our integrity, our good heart and our calmness and eternal vigilance. For we secrete more goodwill, and kindness on our heart enough to become antitoxin against all manner of toxic tongues.

Our weapons against your machinations are our undying love, compassion, empathy and righteousness. We are not perfect but we have enough conscience and wisdom to keep us in check when our emotion runs amuck. We pray you see the light in our reasoning before you descend into abyss of darkness which bitterness in your blood may push you.

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