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To The Apostles of Nigerian Disintegration, A Thought From Dayo Adedotun

Walk alone to walk fast but walk together to walk far.
… It is not the fault of the Yoruba, Hausa, Ijaw or Igbo man that Nigeria is a shame of a country. We are all guilty of this offense. You being alone in your own country will just make it easier for the corrupt politicians to inflict more agony on you the common man.

It is no news that a lot of Nigerians are concerned about the direction of the country. The concern has recently been voiced louder than ever before. I will not bother with rambling all over the place about how bad things are and how there does not seem to be any hope for change. My main concern here is with those who are clamoring for a disintegration of Nigeria as the solution to our myriad of problems.

There are stories of the Niger Delta stocking up on enough arms and ammunition to cause Armageddon in the quest for an Ijaw country. The Igbos are also rumored to be gearing up for secession and the realization of the dream of Biafra. The Yorubas are spreading propaganda about a progressive Oduduwa nation in the making. The Hausas are also declaring that they are no longer ready to continue in the shadows of the South’s development.

What is most alarming is that these calls and plots cut across social and economic strata. The rich and the poor; educated and less educated are all clamoring for the disintegration of the nation called Nigeria.
To those seeking their own tribal sovereignty, I have a few questions. Do you see a messiah within your own “people” that will take you to the Promised Land? How has this person positively influenced any form of development in your village? What has the other tribes in the current Nigeria done to you personally to make you not want to be in same boat with them anymore? How many of your clansmen have been convicted of corrupt practices in the past 50 years of Nigeria’s existence?

I’ve always said it and I stand by it, Nigeria’s failure as a nation is not the handiwork of a particular tribe but a combination of efforts from every nook and cranny of the nation. I refuse to be one of those that will blame the British for our issues. If the British made any mistake at all, it will be to hand us over to a group of selfish and visionless leaders. It is unfortunate that those who asked and clamored for our independence did not believe in our unity but wanted to reap the spoils of an independent Nigeria.

Many great nations of the world celebrate their diversity. I doubt that there is any nation that is as diverse as the US. I doubt that anyone would disagree that it is one of the most powerful nation on the face of earth. So, why can’t we learn from them? Why is it hard to see that our problem is not tribal but classist? The ruling class believe they own the ruled and so treat them as slaves.

The roads are bad, but they can afford private jets rather than fix the roads for the general use of the poor and rich. Education has decayed almost to none existent but they can send their own children abroad with the money meant to fix the schools for the children of all. There are no hospitals fit to treat animals but they can afford to get in their private jet to treat common cold and food poisoning in Germany. These are Yorubas, Igbos, Ijaws and Hausas.

So, why deceive ourselves into believing that the solution is in disintegration? Walk alone to walk fast but walk together to walk far. We should wake up and accept we are the reason for our own plight. It is not the fault of the Yoruba, Hausa, Ijaw or Igbo man that Nigeria is a shame of a country. We are all guilty of this offense. You being alone in your own country will just make it easier for the corrupt politicians to inflict more agony on you the common man.

The irony of it all is, even within the individual tribes, there are ethnic groups who are already claiming to be more Yoruba or more Igbo or more Hausa than the next man. So, if your tribal country starts experiencing same problem Nigeria is currently having, you will break away into an ethnic country?

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