This letter was written by ex- President Obasanjo some eight years and two months today, to the the CAN President. It is as relevant today, as it was back then.... Enjoy
His Eminence,
The Most Reverend Peter J. Akinola,
National President, Christian Association of
Nigeria, (CAN),
c/o The Church or Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
, 23 Doula Street
Wuse, Abuja.
Your Eminence,
As I said to you when you formally called on me on Monday, May 17 2004, the situation in Plateau State of Nigeria portends grave danger for the State and its citizens in particular and for all Nigerians in general.
And I
have always thought that men and women of goodwill especially those in positions of
leadership religious leaders in peculiar circumstances, should use their
God-given positions not to exploit or inflame such a grave situation no matter
their personal losses or grievances. To accuse me of taking sides against
Christians in a situation of mutual genocide in Plateau State by anybody at all
but particularly by a Christian who calls himself or herself a leader of the
Christian body in Plateau State is to say the least
It is
also tantamount to accusing me of dereliction of duty and failure to perform my
constitutional duties and Oath of Office which I took to do justice to all, at
all times and at all places. I will, of course, not take kindly to such
unwarranted undeserved, unfair and un-Christian allegation. Such an accusation
also terms me as anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-justice and anti-love against
what the Holy Bible teaches and what our Lord and Saviour prescribed.
found it extremely provocative and like Paul said in Ephesians 4:26, I
reacted properly and instantaneously and rebuking but without bitterness and
without allowing the anger to linger.
As a
Christian, I believe that is what Jesus taught in Matthew 11 :23 when, out of
anger, he condemned the unbelievers of Capernaum his adopted home base. He
even went further in John 2: 15 when He whipped out of the Temple area the
money changers and merchants of evil. I would, of course, not put myself in
Christ's position not to talk of whipping a man for doing what I consider to be
grossly unexpected of him but will rebuke such a person publicly or
have no regrets for doing exactly that in Jos. I was performing my Christian
and political duty of rebuking when it was necessary. It is my duty and
responsibility just as it is your responsibility and duty to mount the pulpit
and pronounce cathedrally and condemn what you think is wrong. I also do so
politically, economically, socially and even spiritually in the interest of
Nigeria and all Nigerians.
believe that all Christians' must cultivate the habit taught by St. Paul in his
letter to the Corinthians
we should conquer evil with good; not an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth.
And I also
that good begets good, confidence begets confidence and I will rather stoop to show to
people of other faiths that Christianity teaches tolerance, patience and love.
you very well know, our Lord Jesus did not say that we would not have
tribulations. John 16:33 is clear on the
fact that we should take heart to overcome the world. Jesus did not say to us
to kill, maim or even carry the sword in order to live a Christian life. I
still believe that the best way of conquering the world is through exemplary
virtues of peace, tolerance, forbearance, love, forgiveness, kindness,
gentleness and self-control which are the fruit of the Spirit as Galatians
5:22-23 teach us.
also believe that all men and women of goodwill, particularly leaders and in a
specially particular way, Christians, should be builders of love, peace and
bridges of harmony in the embattled and embittered Plateau State within the
gulf of the State's ethnic and religious groups. I write you these words in the
true spirit of humanness and belief in the ultimate power of God.
belief tells me that God is the ultimate judge and we, as mortals, must use our blessings from God
carefully in uniting and not dividing people; building and not destroying
bridges: leading and not misleading our folk; and in laying a viable, holistic,
peaceful and sustainable foundation for the present and the future.
If we
learn no lessons from the past as well as from the unfortunate
experiences of other lands, then
have no business in calling ourselves leaders. Let me, once again, disabuse
your mind about my response to Revd. Yakubu Pam, the CAN Chairman in Plateau. My
response and comments were to him and not to CAN as an institution. I have
great respect for all religious institutions and not least CAN which is an
umbrella organisation for the religion which I practice.
It is
my hope that, you and other leaders of CAN will join me and governments at all
levels in the honourable and christianly endeavour of building and sustaining
peace, love, harmony, tolerance,
inclusion, and development in Plateau State in particular and Nigeria at large.