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God and Divinity By Orison Marden

A person's power depends largely upon his or her partnership with the creator. The closer the relation, the closer the person's God consciousness of his or her oneness with the One, the more power that person can express, because he or she draws upon the limitless resources of an Infinite partner.
...Orison Marden

We can't think of God as a hard, stern, partial, unknown God. We must bring God down out of the clouds into our everyday lives. We know today there is no far-off God, no absentee Gnd. We know that He is in every atom, in every electron of the universe.We know that a molecule of matter without God in it is unimaginable, because God is the reality, the soul, of every created thing. We know that all beauty, all truth, every manifestation of kindness, of Love, of helpfulness, of good in any form, is but an expression of Him.

One day when Emerson was out in the open, gazing intently upon the different objects of nature, a friend overheard him say, "God, God, all is God." There is something in our very consciousness which tells us that we are not a mere products of chance. We feel there is a certainty somewhere; that fear, anxiety, and uncertainty are not a necessary part of life. An instinct within tells us we are inseparable from the one Great Mind, that we are one with it, a reflection of it, that we were created in its image. We feel that there must be a unity to all things, could we but find it, and the best way to find it is to trust this great power. Implicit faith will do more for us than reasoning, and will bring us infinitely closer to this unity.

This conception of God is knocking down the barriers of creed and sectarianism. All beliefs and faiths are recognizing that they are not that different. The time will come when religion will be too big for creeds. At that time, we will be united in one big family. We will come into higher state of consciousness, to the larger truth, the fuller life, the better way of thinking and living, born of our new concept of God.

When we once touch the power, when we once feel the thrill of the Great Force that comes from the heart of truth and being, we shall no longer doubt, no longer hesitate  no longer be satisfied with superficial, the temporary, the material. 

When the soul once tastes its native food, once feels the thrill of the infinite pulse, it no longer is content to grovel. When people realize that they are divine, when they see that they are a part of the everlasting principle, the very essence of reality, nothing can throw them off their physical or mental balance. They are centred in the everlasting truth, entrenched there in infinite power from the taint of fear, anxiety, worry, or accident, because they are conscious that they themselves are a part of Eternal Verity. The feeling that they are in touch with the power which made and uphold the universe  that nothing can wreath them from this Divine Presence, gives a sense of security and peace.

The realization of your divinity, of your oneness with God is the very first step to real success. As long as you think you are a separate unit, struggling like a lone atom in the universe, at the mercy of all sorts of misfortunes, you will never make much headway toward real success. Consciousness of your vital connection with God makes you a power. While you have a sense of your life and being as centred in Him, you will be master. Without this, you are a weakling. 

Life will take a new meaning, greater dignity, a higher power when we live in constant realization of our at-one-ment with our creator, our partnership with the All-Good. People will never attain their highest power until they learn that this principle is as indestructible as the laws of mathematics. So when we, our authentic selves, arrive at our dominions, we will not in the least be disturbed by anything that may happen; we will maintain our equanimity, our mental poise , through all sorts of disaster without a tremor. The creator has not made a mistake; His highest creation is now placed at the mercy of chance or accident.

A person's power depends largely upon his or her partnership with the creator. The closer the relation, the closer the person's God consciousness of his or her oneness with the One, the more power that person can express, because he or she draws upon the limitless resources of an Infinite partner.

We are not cast off to sink or swim at the mercy of chance, or a cruel destiny, but we are one with our maker, united with Him in creative work. We are a part of the infinite Intelligence, Of the universal Mind.

Anything we can ever need or want is in us awaiting release, awaiting expression. The thought of separateness from our divine source robs us of power to express or create. Only that is ours which we can express. All of our weaknesses, our troubles, our worries, our fears, our sufferings, our diseases come from our conscious separation from our living vital, throbbing, creative force.

.....Orison Marden

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