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Original Mad parties!

The fact that your madness is well tolerated does not mean you have been certified sane... You are just like other madmen you condemned. But we love your madness because when you set the house on fire, you always manage to rebuild it and drive away other madmen just as you will place your mad folks in a position to guide the house. Of course, you always find a way to burn the house again and the cycle repeat all over....... Isqil Najim

As much as I can see element of truth in what he said, I am inclined to disagree. I think he is suffering from amnesia, no insult intended. A fact anyone knows.

What I can say is that Nigerian political parties can be liken to a group of madmen, each differentiated by their dresses and ways of life.

PDP is insane, erratic and violent, but wearing clean well-starched Babaringa and he eat from Mr Bigg store. He can speak all languages and he is also good at speaking unknown language only his members can understand. His best friends are animals in human skin. He sleeps with them and once a while is naked dancing skill is legendary;

ACN is also insane, but wearing clean suit, with torn trousers, with a basket as cap. He has a good command of English language and speaks his native language fluently. He talks intelligently. But he eats from dumpsite, he is not violent however, he regularly dance naked in front of his house to make his point clear. When you tell him that his house is on fire, he will respond by calling firefighter and then paint the house with charcoal. He change names when he detect that he is insane, hoping that someone forget his past medical history. But can a leopard change skin?

CPC is a fine boy with clean Babaringa worn over a multi-coloured trousers and a white clean cap. He looks so normal and poor but poverty is not his problem. Insanity is. When he fail to achieve his goal of eating from a dumpsite (of course), he starts chasing people around with cutlass until there is no one in sight. He also speak one language, however, his message is not understood even by those more fluent in the language. He like sitting alone and talking to empty hall. Nobody understands him but himself.

ANPP is a good man. He is not really mad, but actually lost his mind. Nobody knows where he belongs. One minutes, he is out there dancing naked, the next minutes, he is dressed properly, apologizing and acting normal. He eats raw foods and prefers to be around madmen. More often than not, he eat with them and even buy cutlasses for them;

APGA is a good man with a strange incomprehensible language. He dresses well and speaks good English. But he doesn’t understand even his own language so that when he starts talking, you will know that he needs attention of a psychiatrist. One moment, he is making sense, the next moment, he is speaking in tongue and while you are adjusting, he is running all over the place tearing his own cloth and setting his own house on fire! When his madness is gone he will be back apologizing and rebuilding the house he destroyed. Before he finishes the building however he will be back in business, displaying his own madness.

LP is a gentle man. Everyone knows he is mad, though he talk intelligently and dress well. His speaks many languages that no few understand and he love talking alone. And when you think he is normal, he will start sweeping the street alone and singing dirge....

Need I goes on......?

So in my view, all the above are still mad regardless of how they are conducting themselves. That one is not yet a regular guess of a mental home doesn’t confer it with sanity. Maybe he manages his own madness properly so that people will at least relate with him properly.

President Gej should not insult us by calling PDP a political party that is not controlled by anyone. He should tell us how he emerged as presidential flag bearer...or how his late boss emerged. Perhaps he was playing on Nigerians' tendency to dance to monotone and their well-known amnesia. He should also tell us about the Bayelsa state and how he edged out the old gov. And his attempt at influencing Sokoto gubernatorial primary The fact that they are having primaries is not enough, the truth is, PDP is worse than all the others. However, the party is smarter than others. It wide coverage/network around the country made it a formidable platform for the underground crooks to keep oiling their wheels of fortune. Truly, PDP does not belong to one person, but at one time or the order, one person actually control the party's apparatus. The reality in PDP is there power is transient. It has developed a unique internal mechanism whereby dictators don’t last longer and where the individuals controlling it always compromise. They recognize the simple fact that, only through their number they can retain power. So they play according to the rule. Today, it is GEJ and one programmer from Otta farm, in 2015, another person will be calling the shot. We all know that Atiku was once at the forefront, we know of one Mr. fix it from Edo..... And we know of some ''spoilers'' called integrity group that continues to keep PDP in check when the insanity go out of hand....

In my view, all the parties has one person who always managed to control others. But while some manage theirs properly, some of the parties simply has certain elements who monopolize the whole party structure.

My message to the PDP: the fact that your madness is well tolerated does not mean you have been certified sane... You are just like other madmen you condemned. But we love your madness because when you set the house on fire, you always manage to rebuild it and drive away other madmen just as you will place your mad folks in a position to guide the house. Of course, you always find a way to burn the house again and the cycle repeat all over.

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